heart breath
body & Mind
your journey back to self..
your yoga practice is a personal journey. i offer a safe space, guiding you to explore your body, mind, breath and heart space.
We meet exactly as you are whether its your first time on the mat or if you have an advanced practice.
No need for prior yoga experience, flexibility or fitness.
private classes and gift cards available now..
Yoga is for every body..
yang to yin vinyasa flow,
vinyasa align,
power yoga,
yoga for surfing,
restorative yoga.
lets focus less on how things look, and connect more deeply to how we feel…
yoga is a set of practices designed to relieve the suffering caused by our own minds, i have deep gratitude for the practice and guide from my heart in honour and respect of my students and all of the teachers over the thousands of years who have shared this practice on to us.
EXPLORE your breath
quiet your mind
st. ives cornwall private and group classes
private classes from the comfort of your own home, if you have the space you’re welcome to share the classes with friends. ST. Ives group classes coming soon.. searching for a studio space. message me on:
surf and yoga retreats - relax, de stress, learn new skills and bask in the glorious moroccan sun and cuisine. i organise everything from you airport transfers to your accomodation and meals.
meet ruth
Welcome friends :)
experienced 500RYT and student.
i began a dedicated practice in byron bay australia in 2016 with what was then called creature yoga. the amazing offerings from the teachers brought me back from mental suffering into a place of trust in the practice and in myself. i became mentally and physically stronger, more flexible and balanced. i fell in love with learning new poses and studying the history and philosophyof yoga and a passion was born.
i studied my first in person 200YTT with creature yoga in 2018 and went on to assist for them on 2 more in person 200hr trainings and an advanced teacher training. I have since completed a further 300+ hours of yoga alliance certified advanced trainings with them.
over the last 6 years i have been teaching private and group classes in studios in australia such as power living & virgin active. i also teach at studios and surf/yoga retreats in morocco.
my goal is to tune into my your needs and meet you where you’re at. to create a safe space for you to explore your body and breath, realise your own innner power and strength, relax your mind and sooth your nervous system. a place where everyone feels welcome.
i look forward to sharing the practice with you xoxo